How to download and install Libre Barcode 39 font in MS Excel? (Step by step guide)

Step 1 : Search on Google "Download Libre Barcode 39 font"
Step 2 : Click on the first link of Google fonts page

Google search result showing "Libre Barcode 39" font Google Fonts Website
Step 3 : Click on the "Download Family" button and save the downloaded zip file
Pointing towards download family button to download "Libre Barcode 39" on Google Fonts Website
Step 4 : Right click on the zip file and click on "extract to Libre_Barcode_39\"
Extracting zip file of "Libre Barcode 39" font in a folder

Step 5 : Open the extracted folder and double click on the "LibreBarcode39-Regular.ttf" file
Step 6 : Click on the install button at top of the file
Pointing towards Install button to install "Libre Barcode 39" font
Step 7 : Now open the MS Excel and search for the font and you will find it there
Showing "Libre Barcode 39" font appearing in Home Tab of MS Excel
If you open the full list of fonts, you will not find this font by the name "Libre Barcode 39"
Instead you will see the Barcode images there as shown in below image
Showing barcodes in the all fonts list is the name of "Libre Barcode 39" font in MS Excel
Step 8 : If the font is not showing in your MS Excel, try reopening the MS Excel and after that you will find it there. 

If you want to know how to easily create Barcodes in MS Excel Click here.

If you still have any doubts, you can comment it down below
